This second album is getting rave reviews all around. As a musician, I appreciate that this is not overly produced. I appreciate the use of orchestral instruments. Hell, I even appreciate the lyricism. Truly, this is something that I've always appreciated about the Airborne Toxic Event.
But I'm just not sure I'm sold.
(What is it with music being something you've got to listen to multiple times to formulate an opinion on nowadays? *ahem, Radiohead*)
This isn't what I expected. Maybe that's the problem. I wanted another album just like the first. But honestly, what good would that be? It wouldn't show musical diversity. It wouldn't show true talent, if they were just churning out that same ol' thing always.
No, this album is good. I read on some other blog that it compared to the Arcade Fire's Neon Bible, but let's be honest: The Arcade Fire is a lot of talk and not so much on the delivery. I don't think it ranks up there with The Temper Trap's Conditions or Interpol's...well, any album by Interpol.
It's not iconic, is what I'm getting at.
Not sure I'd be willing to commit to paying full price for an album which needs to grow on me to be worth its price...
For the record, the songs I think are worth listening to are: All At Once, Changing, Half of Something Else, All I Ever Wanted, and The Graveyard Near The House. Seriously, check those.
And then listen to the whole thing, start to finish.
By the way, upon re-listening a few times, I've decided to give this album 3 1/2 out of 5. It's pretty good, but it's got to grow on you.
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